Gone Fishing
Writing this makes me so so sad, but I'm going to have to retire penelope and bumblebee.
As a writer, one who finally found her voice again through this medium, and as a mother, one who found her stride alongside all of you, this hurts my heart more than you can imagine.
Unfortunately, the privilege to be honest and real and free here has been compromised.
I promise I'll keep reading; keep commenting, and hopefully, on the other side of '07, I'll be back, somewhere new.
thanks for reading.
aka Penelope
As a writer, one who finally found her voice again through this medium, and as a mother, one who found her stride alongside all of you, this hurts my heart more than you can imagine.
Unfortunately, the privilege to be honest and real and free here has been compromised.
I promise I'll keep reading; keep commenting, and hopefully, on the other side of '07, I'll be back, somewhere new.
thanks for reading.
aka Penelope
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
what the heck????????
At 4:03 PM,
Bea said…
Darn. Be sure to pay me a visit when you've got a new identity, okay? You don't even have to tell me it's you - I always go visit new commenters, and I'll put two and two together eventually. If I see someone write a really quirky, funny comment somewhere, I'll know it's you.
At 4:56 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry... I do hope you will be able to join us again someday.
At 5:26 PM,
petite gourmand said…
ditto to what bubandpie said...
At 5:35 PM,
Her Bad Mother said…
WHAT?!?!?! NO!!!!
Ditto what B&P said. And if you need any help or support or an ear (I've been there), please don't hesitate to get in touch. You hear me? DON'T HESITATE.
At 5:36 PM,
Her Bad Mother said…
WHAT?!?!?! NO!!!!
Ditto what B&P said. And if you need any help or support or an ear (I've been there), please don't hesitate to get in touch. You hear me? DON'T HESITATE.
At 7:44 PM,
metro mama said…
Shit. Come back soon. I have a lot of the TO blogger's emails in my address book. When you have a new identity let me know-I'll export it for you and you can let them know.
At 8:38 PM,
moplans said…
Whoa. I am so sorry about whatever has happened.
Hope to see you again soon.
At 2:08 AM,
ms blue said…
Shock! Horror... times ten. Please take my cape and make a quick exit. Seems you may need the witness protection agency.
At 2:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I want to know about the new url too! damnit!
At 5:53 AM,
cinnamon gurl said…
That sucks!!
(I totally want to find a way to say ditto what B&P said in a shiznit kind of way but can't think of it... so just let me know when you come back?)
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why what happened? why now?
At 12:06 PM,
crazymumma said…
nooooooooo! Oh no. I support your decision tho it sounds cryptic and sad. I await an email from you so we can go for that bottle or ten of wine.
I am really going to miss your writing.
At 2:47 PM,
Chicky Chicky Baby said…
Oh no! I'm sorry you have to go but I hope when you're ready to come back you'll drop me a line to let me know where you are.
All the best to you!
At 3:47 PM,
Run ANC said…
Sad! As you are one of the blogs that I check daily, I am very sorry to read this post. Do please let me know if you get a new identity, because I'll surely stop by in '07.
At 6:02 PM,
ewe are here said…
Oooh, that really sucks.
Please visit when you come back, or email the link to your 'new site'. Because I've really enjoyed you and Bumblebee.
In the meantime, wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
At 9:51 PM,
Christina said…
Oh no! I understand, but I'm so sorry to see you go. If you need anything, please drop me an e-mail. And if you ever start up a new site, be sure to let me in on it, OK?
At 2:26 PM,
lisalou said…
What the hootenany is going on? I'm confused!
At 11:37 PM,
Mad said…
WTF! I come back from vacation to this? Please keep me up to date on your whereabouts. If'n you don't want to do it in a comment, you can always pop in in an email. I will miss your wit and verve and I do hope the situation sorts itself out peacefully.
At 2:19 AM,
Lady M said…
So sorry to hear you're closing shop here. I hope to read you in your new incarnation someday!
At 7:51 PM,
Girlplustwo said…
oh, sister...it was fresh and new, but i so enjoyed getting to know you...
i'll miss you. and i'll keep checking in on you. peace.
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm really sorry. I really enjoyed your blog and your writing. Yet I understand and support your decision to leave.
I'll check back on you from time to time...I wish you and your family well and hope that one day you can return.
At 6:19 PM,
mod*mom said…
come back soon, i just found your blog :)
At 9:34 AM,
Sandra said…
WHAT?!?!?! I know I am like 2 weeks late in finding this out ... I still can't get your feed on bloglines and I haven't been out in the blogopshere lately but ... no!!!!! I'll really miss your words. But I understand completely. I hope to find you somewhere new soon.
Big hugs to you and wishing you the happiest of new years!
At 6:38 PM,
motherbumper said…
Uhhhh what the heck? I go on "vacation" for a while and come back to find this :(
I know you have good reason because you wouldn't have done it if there wasn't one but let me tell you - I'll miss you. I hope you find a new identity and come on out into the blog playground which should be a place of happy times.
Happy New Year to you and your family and Bumper sends a huge hug (and it's from me too).
At 10:26 PM,
nancy said…
Oh I am SO SAD to hear this!! I finally got the boxes unpacked and have started to catch up on a few blogs and then I find THIS.
I just love your writing and think of you often. Please let me know if you should come back on line.
All my good thoughts and warm wishes.
At 4:08 PM,
Urban Daddy said…
I posted a little ode to your blog on my site, cause I'm going to miss your wonderful posts.
Be well.
Hopefully you'll give it a try again soon.
At 12:45 AM,
Jeni said…
what? no?!?
i just found u.
At 1:29 AM,
Debbie said…
that sucks.
don't stay gone.
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
i still miss you.
At 5:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
that makes me sad... i just found your blog, and I love love it. I've yet to start the baby making, but I hope you continue to blog, because I'd like to take my cues from you.
At 10:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I use to read this blog and was just checking to see if you were writing again. If you are somewhere new, would you please, please, PLEASE send me your new URL? Thanks bunches ... Nancy (I have to post anonymously because Blogger hates me for some reason, but you can find me at http://milife.wordpress.com/
At 4:12 PM,
David said…
Shame, I just discovered you and love your wit and wisdom. Please let me know if and when you start a new outlet for your very creative pen. I so enjoy.
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